You can make a difference
Here are some great ways to get started with the Lupus Foundation of America:
LFA Updates: Subscribe to updates from the Lupus Foundation of America: Lupus.org/Subscribe
Research: Join RAY (Research Accelerated by You) and share your lupus experience to help researchers better understand lupus – Lupus.org/RAY
Advocacy: Use your voice to impact federal support of lupus – Lupus.org/Advocate
Care & Support: Learn more about upcoming virtual education events and how to register here: Lupus.org/LupusAndYou
Donate: To donate to the Lupus Foundation of America go to: Lupus.org/Donate

Do you or someone you know interested in donating their body to science?
View a list of university programs through the United States: https://anatbd.acb.med.ufl.edu/usprograms/
Please note that some medicals schools will accept body donations from those that had lupus however, there is little to no chance that the donation will be used for lupus research or education. If your wish is to donate to a medical school, please check with the school first to see if is fulfills your wishes.