4A’s Sisters Lupus Club in Lafayette Louisiana would like to honor and recognize
Meet Tenika NiNi Avila . She was diagnosed with Lupus on Dec. 19th, 2004 at 16 years old. In the beginning, the symptoms she experience were rash on her ears, lack of energy, popped blood vessels on her fingers & toes, extreme fatigue, swollen joints, & photosensitivity.
All of those symptoms she experience while her family & her were traveling across the country from California to Georgia.
Although, it took the doctors four months to diagnose her Lupus. Lupus helps her grow emotionally, by physically, & spiritually every day.
Each year she learns something new about Lupus on how to control and manage it.
Tenika is very thankful and blessed to have an amazing support group of GOD, family, and friends to help through her challenging days of Lupus.
PS: show your 💕